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Meet Nathalie


Nathalie's childhood experiences and upbringing have had a significant impact on her career as a residential developer. Growing up with a builder for a father and a mother who was passionate about creating a warm and inviting home, Nathalie was exposed to the world of construction and design from an early age. Her surroundings in Strasbourg, with its unique architecture, only served to fuel her love for building.


Nathalie's travels to Hawaii proved to be a turning point in her career. Her experience building a luxury home in Hawaii taught her the importance of creating a harmonious balance between indoor and outdoor living spaces. This realization became the cornerstone of the homes she later built in California, which emphasized a seamless connection between the indoors and outdoors.


In 2012, Nathalie founded her own business in Menlo Park, where she has continued to stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations in construction and design. Nathalie's hands-on approach ensures that every detail of the project, from the blueprints to the final walk-through, is perfect.


Nathalie lives by her philosophy: "Build dream homes where people will always have la Joie de Vivre". 

Nathalie Cowan

P.O. Box 1259 El Camino Real, #420, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Work With Abergel Homes

With our team of experienced designers, contractors, and architects working together, you can trust that your home will be built with the highest standards of quality craftsmanship.